63 Camp Street, Grenfell

After 19 years at the helm, the current owners of the Grenfell Licenced Post Office are ready to retire. As a result, this magnificent building & thriving business are now listed for sale as a Walk In Walk Out proposition.
Well maintained Circa. 1924 Double Brick building with corrugated iron roof. The building is approx. 230m2 under roof & includes the following:
• Retail Shop Front
• Managers Office
• Workroom / Storerooms including parcel storage, & mail sorting rooms.
• Kitchenette area including toilet & basin
• Staff Toilet
• Strong Room & Safe
• Managers Safe
• Ducted Evaporative A/C
• Split System reverse cycle A/C
• Gas Heating in Office
• New Heat pump Hot Water Service
• Back to Base Security
• CCTV Security System
* 792.4m2
* Access to back of premises off Church Street, which is fully concreted.
* All services including power, phone, NBN, water & sewer.
* Rates: $2688.00 / p.a
* As our society keeps moving forward into the future with more online shopping, the Grenfell Licenced Post Office is the big winner with society's changes with more & more parcels turning over every year. They are contracted through Australia Post , with a L.P.O Agreement
* With less physical banking options available, the Grenfell Licenced Post Office is an Agency for over 80 financial institutions through Bank@Post.
* An Agency for countless utilities & other organisations for the payment of bills & accounts.
With the trend of current shopping & banking trends, this business will continue to remain viable for many years to come.
* 201 rented out post boxes
* Grenfell’s only commercial photo printing machine including Passport Photos
* The retail component includes a diverse range of greeting cards, giftware, stationary & other consumables.
* Australia Post Computers & Printers
* Fuji Commercial Photo Machine
* Money Note Counting Machine
* Photocopier & Fax Machine
* All shelving, furniture & display units
To be able to purchase a successful small business, that operates weekdays, 9 to 5 & leaving your weekends free is a real find, so contact Aston & Joyce, to further discuss this magnificent opportunity that is the lifeline of Grenfell.
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